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Tales From My Closet | Challenge Accepted?
3 Questions To Help Make Decisions Without Regret
Have you ever had a challenge deciding what to keep and what to let go? It can be a difficult step but also a big step in overcoming the overwhelmed mindset…at least that is how it was for me.
This tale begins with the dread of opening my closet door. As I peer into the stacks of shoes and rows of hanging fabric, looking almost like drapes for a hearse… I feel both tired and overwhelmed. What’s a girl to do?
As I ponder over this mess, I need a real solution to this so that I can quit fretting and start cleaning. I came up with 3 questions that helped to guide my decisions and now I will share them with you…
Question #1: Do You Even Like it?
Not even asking if you LOVE it but how does it make you feel? Do you like how you feel when you wear it? We often get caught up with guilt over how much it cost instead of how it makes us feel? Another guilt trip is when someone gave it to us and we feel obligated to keep it (and just let it age ungracefully in the closet).
A good measuring stick is would you purchase it again if you saw it for sale? So ask yourself the question again — Do you like it? For really?