Organizing For Living Easy
3 Common Sense Organizing Tips or
Quick Life Hacks for Living The Real World Life
Do you sometimes feel like you are are stuck in the Groundhog Day movie? Are you wishing your could escape the hamster wheel life?
Wake up to a crisis every morning — Can’t find your keys? Well “DUH”… Does it make you kinda want to bang your head against the closet door? Hack #1 — Have a specific place where you leave them — In your bag, on top of the dresser, by the front door, under your mattress (not really there)… you choose one place where they will always be and put them there.
Hack #2 — Great Idea! (oops! can you remember it?) More real-life drama to set the day askew except here is a brief tip for you — write it down the minute it comes into your head…don’t let it get away before you do. How say ye? Always keep a pen and paper nearby or whip out your mobile device and take a memo — put it in Notes — send it to yourself by email or text — or do it Old School — make a postie and post it somewhere. You can even write it on your hand if you don’t plan to ever wash it again…not the best way. As NIKE says “Just Do It!”
Are you eager to see Hack #3? Come along with me — and see what is behind DOOR #3 — the refrigerator door, that is. Whether it is your refrigerator or the deli on the corner, have a plan for FOOD for the day. Don’t leave it to chance. If you plan Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner the day before, it will help eliminate stress. “BAH” you say? I say “TRY IT!”
Point is, if you take a minute to think about tomorrow before it actually arrives, it helps deflect last minute stress that starts you day off with an issue to handle before you get up and out the door — or at least to your desk which is now your office.
Small steps can lead to big results and actually change how you feel about the day ahead. It changed life for my family — try it out on yours…even if it is YOU — a family of one!
Do you have a method that has worked for you? Tell me below…or let me know what idea you are going to try (or at least consider)!
Something as simple as having a few Lunchables in the refrigerator can make life less chaotic and clear the way for you to be productive and calm at the same time. If you forgot to shop, you can plan ahead and order a food delivery service that brings your choicest treats to your front door — or to the office if you are in a hurry.
The key to Common Sense Organizing is to THINK and plan — even if it is only a few steps ahead of the moment. That avoids scrambling like a chicken to make things happen. Come on now…can you commit to trying these three ideas for a whole week? Try it — perhaps you will see a difference and want to continue…